The breakfast briefing fleshed out the achievements of the EPP Group in the European Parliament Committee on Regional Development, facilitated a discussion on the challenges linked to cohesion policy as well as the ideas about the future of EU’s regional investments. We offered an open platform for discussion on how 1/3 of EU budget is spent. We tackled head-on the question whether cohesion policy is fit for purpose, and what needs to change so that it reaches regions, cities, villages and citizens more effectively and efficiently.
The background was the report on Cohesion policy 2014-2020 – implementation and outcomes in the Member States. The document, adopted by 83% of the votes, gives visibility of cohesion investments with examples from all Member States, discusses the challenges to the implementation of the policy and outlines 85 concrete recommendations about the future cohesion investments. The conclusion of the rapporteur is that Cohesion policy investments across the EU have resulted in unparalleled positive impacts on regions, cities, rural, border and remote areas. Directly or indirectly, every EU Member State has experienced the positive effects of financing through the EU budget. EU investments in transport infrastructure, energy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), skills, innovation, agriculture, reforms and other fields build the EU in times of peace and rebuild it in times of crisis.
Speakers: Andrey NOVAKOV, EPP REGI coordinator in the EP Committee on Regional Development, Chair of the EPP Cohesion Monitoring Group; Siegfried MURESAN, Vice-Chair of the EPP Group, Chair of the Working Group Budget and Structural Policies of the EPP Group; Jan OLBRYCHT, EPP Group Vice-Chair, Multiannual Financial Framework co-rapporteur; Pascal ARIMONT, Vice-Chair of the EP Committee on Regional Development, Rapporteur for the Interreg; Franc BOGOVIC, Rapporteur on the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas – Towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040; Peter JAHR, Rapporteur for the CAP Strategic Plans.