
Mission to Croatia and Slovenia, 26th and 27th October 2023



The goal of the mission to Croatia would be to present the successful EU-funded projects and activities in the City of Zaprešić, located 17 kilometres from Zagreb, in the north-western part of the Zagrebačka County. The City of Zaprešić has approximately 25 000 citizens and is located 14 kilometres from the border with Slovenia. Due to its location at the western side of the Medvednica mountain, along the Sava river, it is known by its untouched natural beauty but also with its surroundings that reveal the rich history of the area – from archaeological remains from the Neolithic and Iron Age, through ancient remains to the manor houses preserved today.

Furthermore, the main purpose of the mission would be to visit the EU-funded projects and to organise a press briefing with Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, the Mayor of the City of Zaprešić and the representatives of the local authorities on the topic of the opportunities and significance of the EU funded projects for the local communities – and its positive impact on the daily lives of our citizens.

The objective of the visit to Slovenia is to present successful projects and activities financed from the EU structural funds and programmes in the municipalities of Podčetrtek and Lenart, which are located in the southeastern and eastern part of Slovenia.

Although that the Municipality of Podčetrtek is very far from major regional centers and there are no major roads or highways in its proximity, it is one of the most visited tourist spots in the country because of its Spa and Wellness center Terme Olimia and other tourist attractions. The municipal administration, under the leadership of the long-time mayor Peter Misja, was extremely successful in obtaining and implementing projects financed by the EU. Subsequently, Podčetrtek turned into a real tourist gem of Slovenia as it offers all the necessary infrastructure and conditions for young people, especially young families, to stay in the region and not emigrate to larger cities.

Similar goals are pursued by the Municipality of Lenart, which has approximately 8,175 inhabitants and 2,126 households. Lenart lies in the center of the Slovenske gorice region and is attractive to visitors who love nature, beautiful views and a variety of sports activities thanks to its diversity, from hilly to lowland world. It is particularly interesting for hikers, cyclists, anglers and hunters. Wandering through the hills of Slovenske gorice, among vineyards – tasting local cuisine and quality wines, in the surroundings of lakes and rivers offers relaxation and pleasure. In recent years, the municipality has also been very successful in obtaining funds from EU structural funds, with the help of which a large part of the public infrastructure was built and renovated, sustainable mobility was strengthened and social life in the municipality was revived. The last major acquisition, supported by the European Regional Development Fund, is the completion of the construction of the central sewage treatment plant, which will soon be ready for opening – most likely during the visit of the EPP delegation to the municipality.

The aim of the visit is therefore to see the already implemented EU-funded projects and projects that are still being implemented in the mentioned municipalities of Podčetrtek and Lenart, meetings with representatives of local communities in the mentioned municipalities and the organization of a press briefing between of the representatives of local authorities, state level and members of the EPP political group with representatives of the media, entitled “The importance of EU funding for the development of local communities and the challenges of the future EU cohesion policy”. The purpose of the aforementioned press briefing is to discuss the importance of sufficient EU funding for the development of local communities and the challenges of the future EU cohesion policy, the Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Common Agricultural Policy and the Solidarity Fund.

The purpose of the meeting with representatives of local authorities in the municipality of Lenart is to discuss the further potential of EU cohesion policy, the obstacles to its implementation and the simplification of rules, with a special emphasis on the instrument for recovery and resilience, the implementation of which has proven to be easier for EU member states compared to traditional EU structural funds.

All activities related to this visit of EPP Group MEPs to Slovenia are being coordinated between MEPs Ms Sunčana Glavak from Croatia and Mr Franc Bogovič from Slovenia.


(Listed Alphabetically)

Andrey Novakov

Andrey Novakov

Chair of the EPP Cohesion Monitoring Group

Domagoj Orlić

Domagoj Orlić

State Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

Sanja Bošnjak

Sanja Bošnjak

State Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

Šime Erlić

Šime Erlić

Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds

Sunčana Glavak

Sunčana Glavak


Željko Turk

Željko Turk

Mayor of the City of Zaprešić

Aleksander Jevšek

Aleksander Jevšek

Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Franc Bogovič

Franc Bogovič

Member of the European Parliament, Slovenia

Janez Kramberger

Janez Kramberger

Mayor of Lenart Municipality

Marko Jurak

Marko Jurak

Deputy Mayor of Podčetrtek Municipality

Marko Lotrič

Marko Lotrič

President of the State Council of the Republic of Slovenia

Milenca Krajnc

Milenca Krajnc

Mayor of Kozje Municipality (TBC)

Monika Kirbiš Rojs

Monika Kirbiš Rojs

Former State Secretary for Cohesion Policy in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia


Arrival to Zagreb Airport

Person welcoming the participants:

Ivana Artuković, local assistant of MEP Glavak
(phone number: +385 91 550 1124) – transfer with a mini bus

Arrival to the City of Zaprešić, Croatia

Meeting with Mr Željko Turk, Mayor of the City of Zaprešić

30 min

Komunalno poduzeće Zaprešić d.o.o. (Zelengaj 15, Zaprešić)

Željko Turk
Željko Turk

Mayor of the City of Zaprešić

Visit to the EU-funded projects in the City of Zaprešić

  • Company „Naše klasje“ (Kupljenovo)
  • Newlight project (public light)
  • Forest Ride project (bicycle and pedestrian zone)
  • Reconstructed roads damaged in the earthquake
  • Complex Novi Dvori, with the Vršilnica object

1h 20m

City of Zaprešić

Press Briefing

Press Briefing – attended by Croatian and Slovenian journalists on the topic “Opportunities and significance of the EU funded projects for the local communities – and its positive impact on the daily lives of our citizens” with a Q&A session


  • MEP Sunčana Glavak
  • MEP Andrey Novakov
  • EPP MEPs (TBC)
  • Mr Željko Turk, Mayor of the City of Zaprešić
  • Ms Sanja Bošnjak, State Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
  • Mr Domagoj Orlić, State Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
  • Mr Šime Erlić, Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds


Complex Novi Dvori, Ul. Matije Skurjenija 45, 10290, Zaprešić, Croatia

Andrey Novakov
Andrey Novakov

Chair of the EPP Cohesion Monitoring Group

Željko Turk
Željko Turk

Mayor of the City of Zaprešić

Sanja Bošnjak
Sanja Bošnjak

State Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

Domagoj Orlić
Domagoj Orlić

State Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

Šime Erlić
Šime Erlić

Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds

Networking Cocktail and lunch

30 min

Complex Novi Dvori, Ul. Matije Skurjenija 45, 10290, Zaprešić, Croatia

Departure to Podčetrtek, Slovenia

Reception of participants

30 min

Press Briefing

“The importance of EU funding for the development of local communities and the challenges of future EU cohesion policy”

Speakers – invited:

  • Mr Marko Jurak, Deputy Mayor of Podčetrtek Municipality
  • dr. Aleksander Jevšek, Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Mr Marko Lotrič, President of the State Council of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Ms Milenca Krajnc, Mayor of Kozje Municipality (TBC)
  • Mr Franc Bogovič, Member of the European Parliament, Slovenia
  • EPP MEPs (TBC)

Moderated by Ms Monika Kirbiš Rojs, former State Secretary for Cohesion Policy in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

1h 30m

Marko Jurak
Marko Jurak

Deputy Mayor of Podčetrtek Municipality

Aleksander Jevšek
Aleksander Jevšek

Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Marko Lotrič
Marko Lotrič

President of the State Council of the Republic of Slovenia

Milenca Krajnc
Milenca Krajnc

Mayor of Kozje Municipality (TBC)

Franc Bogovič
Franc Bogovič

Member of the European Parliament, Slovenia

Monika Kirbiš Rojs
Monika Kirbiš Rojs

Former State Secretary for Cohesion Policy in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Visit to the EU-funded projects in the municipality of Podčetrtek

30 min

Municipality of Podčetrtek

Bus transfer to the Lenart Municipality

1h 15m

Meeting with the mayor of Lenart municipality, mag. Janez Kramberger, and the mayors of neighboring municipalities and local journalists

Meeting with the mayor of Lenart municipality, mag. Janez Kramberger, and the mayors of neighboring municipalities and local journalists

45 min

Departure to new central sewage treatment plant Lenart

Inauguration of the new central sewage treatment plant Lenart

45 min

Janez Kramberger
Janez Kramberger

Mayor of Lenart Municipality

Discussion with the representatives of the press

15 min

Lunch Reception

30 min

Transfer to Zagreb International Airport

1h 45m



EPP Group Cohesion Missions
Croatia & Slovenia
26-27 October 2023

Press Corner

Oct 26, 2023

EPP MEPs to visit local EU investments in Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Poland and Bulgaria

Oct 26, 2023

EPP Mission: EU’s future is in cohesion policy

ZAGREB, 26 Oct (Hina News Agency) – The EU’s future is in the cohesion policy, Croatian MEP Sunčana Glavak said in Zaprešić on Thursday, hosting the first European People’s Party (EPP) Cohesion Mission, which is aimed at showing the benefits of cohesion funds.

Oct 26, 2023

Misija EPP-a u Zaprešiću: Kohezijska politika je budućnost Europske unije

ZAPREŠIĆ, 26. listopada 2023. (Hina) – Budućnost Europske unije je u kohezijskoj politici, rekla je u četvrtak u Zaprešiću hrvatska eurozastupnica Sunčana Glavak, domaćin prve Kohezijske misije Europske pučke stranke kojoj je cilj pokazati dobrobiti kohezijskih sredstava koja “starije članice” žele smanjiti.

Oct 26, 2023

Press Conference in Zaprešić, Croatia on youtube

Oct 26, 2023

Misija EPP-a u Zaprešiću: Kohezijska politika je budućnost Europske unije

Oct 26, 2023

Ministar Erlić: Oko 70% svih javnih ulaganja u Hrvatskoj dolazi iz europskih fondova

Oct 26, 2023

Kohezijska politika je budućnost Europske unije

Oct 26, 2023

Zastupnici u EP posjećuju lokalne projekte ulaganja EU-a i raspravljaju o budućnosti kohezije

Oct 26, 2023


Oct 27, 2023

Bogovič ob obisku evropskih poslancev v Podčetrtku: Nadaljevati moramo z močno kohezijsko politiko!

V petek, 27. oktobra 2023, dopoldne je Wellness Hotel Sotelia v Termah Olimie na pobudo in organizacijo evropskega poslanca Franca Bogoviča (SLS/EPP) gostil visoke goste – evropske poslance iz Evropske ljudske stranke (EPP), skupine za spremljanje kohezijske politike, v Evropskem parlamentu, ministra za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj dr. Aleksandra Jevška, podžupana Občine Podčetrtek Marka Juraka, predsednika Državnega sveta RS Marka Lotriča ter županjo Občine Kozje Milenco Krajnc.

Oct 27, 2023

Tele M

Oct 27, 2023

Slovenska kronika

Oct 27, 2023

V Lenartu odprli novo čistilno napravo

Oct 27, 2023

Otvorili novo čistilno napravo v Lenartu

Danes, 27. oktobra 2023, se je odvila slovesna otvoritev nove čistilne naprave v Lenartu na katero je priključenih 4.200 občanov in celotna industrijska cona.

Oct 27, 2023

V Lenartu slovesno odprli novo čistilno napravo

Oct 27, 2023

Svečano odprli novo čistilno napravo Lenart

Projekt odvajanja in čiščenja odpadnih vod v Lenartu je zaključen. Na novo čistilno napravo Lenart je priključenih 4.200 občanov in celotna industrijska cona.

Oct 27, 2023

V Lenartu so slovesno otvorili novo čistilno napravo v Kidričevi ulici

V petek, 27. oktobra, je v Kidričevi ulici potekala svečana otvoritev nove čistilne naprave Lenart, ki je bila zgrajena v sklopu operacije Odvajanja in čiščenja odpadnih voda v občini Lenart, na katero je priključenih 4.200 občanov in celotna industrijska cona.

Oct 27, 2023

V Lenartu zagnali novo čistilno napravo

Lenart, 27. oktobra - V Lenartu so danes slovesno odprli novo čistilno napravo, na katero je že priključenih 4200 občanov in celotna industrijska cona. Vrednost projekta je skoraj 5,8 milijona evrov, z deli so zaključili lani novembra, po pridobitvi uporabnega dovoljenja pa bo čistilna naprava do 1. decembra v poskusnem obratovanju.

Oct 27, 2023

Važnost kohezijske politike

Oct 27, 2023

Kohezijska politika ljepilo je koje drži našu Europu, bez nje nema EU

Oct 28, 2023

Bogovič ob obisku evropskih poslancev, skupine EPP za spremljanje kohezije, v Sloveniji: Nadaljevati moramo z močno kohezijsko politiko!

Copyright 2023 - EPP Cohesion Monitoring Group